Over 30 years experience
Over 30 years experience

About Us
With over 30 years of experience and expertise, Premiere Dyeing caters to the needs and requests of the apparel industry, fabric mills, and entertainment industry. We specialize in the dyeing of fabric yardages, trims of any type, intimate apparel components, as well as garments. We are one of the only dyeing facilities in the Tri-state area that is truly capable of the ability to dye any content fabrics, laces, and trimmings from sample to production dye lots.

Roots in NYC Garment District
Premiere Dyeing began over a generation ago under the original dyehouse know as Abe Sohn Dyers in what began as a family dyeing business. Over the years, it has since undergone many changes and name change to what is now known as Premiere Dyeing, Inc. Historically situated in New York City, Premiere Dyeing has expanded its space and is presently located in Newark, New Jersey.
Premiere Dyeing In the News...
Premiere Dyeing is proud to announce that we dyed the gold fabric for the Radio City Christmas Show Spectacular costumes this year! Read more about it below.
Inside the Rockettes’ new look for 2018 Christmas Spectacular
By Catherine Kast
October 29, 2018
"Rockettes themselves, who received new costumes to go with this new number — the first new finale in five years.
Unlike the slinky silver dresses they’ve worn in finales past, this year’s costumes are “a color explosion,” designer Emilio Sosa tells The Post."
—excerpt from the The New York Post

The Rockettes are kicking off the season in bold new costumes.
Tamara Beckwith/NY Post
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